Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Beach, busyness and blue skies

I know I always blog about how busy life is... ha ha I don't mean to bore people. This week has been significantly more busy than normal weeks. I am behind on math, and I have a ton of other things to complete. I don't mind it though, I mean I might dislike it at the moment, but I love having a fairly busy life, because I get bored just sitting around, and I'm not good at entertaining myself, so busyness is a good thing for me. Yet I've realized the more busy I become, the more I forget, and I can be so airheaded. I have forgotten things that I know and have been doing for a long time, and I have forgotten about plans. Aaaaghh! It's horrible, this forgetfulness. Maybe someday I'll get my sanity back.

Along with my duties this week, I have had the honor of being with some of the kids that I love so much! I absolutely love children, and it's been so awesome to get to spend time with some of the sweetest kids! So much fun, and so refreshing. Honestly, being with kids is one of my favorite things to do!! I have been blessed to know a lot of great families with kids and I am very close with them. I never tire of it. :)

I realize with this busyness as well that sometimes it creates agitated spirits, because there is a lot to do in a short amount of time. That brings out the worst in people, sometimes. I become more irritable and I don't like it. That is why it's so important for me to have those encouraging influences around me. I am a firm believer that even in the busyness of school and work, spending time with friends is just as important. We were made for community, we were made to gather together and share lives with others, and it is sacrificing so much to give up social ties for other commitments. I have even turned in a few assignments late because I chose to hang out with friends instead of finishing an assignment. Some might gasp, but for me it made all the difference. I figure, I won't do well in school if I don't have friends around, so why sacrifice even more?? I need people. We all do, to some extent.

I am also very blessed to have good, solid people, friends and relatives in my life, this helps so much. It helps to know that someone will have your back no matter what! 
Thus are my ramblings. ;P
Be blessed!
Some great times at the beach, with some great friends!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Help bring Dash and Chip home!

Hey All!
I have a request of you. Please take a moment to drop by the link below and prayerfully consider helping this great family bring their babies home!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jumbled thoughts.... as usual

I want to write something inspirational, but alas nothing comes to me.
Ha ha.
Anyhow, I'll share a few thoughts that have encouraged me lately. I really don't have anything interesting to say, but I love quotes , so I thoughts I'd share a few :)

A great book, well worth reading is Elisabeth Elliot's 'Passion and Purity.' I am reading it now, and its great. Here are a few from her:
" Then turn the reigns over to God. Bring your will to Him. Will to obey Him, ask for his help. He will not do the obeying for you, but he will help you. Don't ask me how. He knows how, you'll see." (Pg 97)

Just as background information, Elisabeth Elliot was the wife of Missionary Jim Elliot. He was part of the group of fie men that journeyed down to Equador in the 50's and were killed by the Auca's. Some of the wives later went and lived with the tribe. They showed them love and witnessed to them, even though they had committed such a great offense against them. I cannot imagine the strength it would take to do that, but I admire them for it.

Another of my favorite quotes lately has been from CS Lewis. Brilliant man, amazing author.
"I find in myself desires which nothing in this world can satisfy, the only logical explanation is that I was made for another world."