I was recently having some time with a good friend when she introduced me to the song “What do I know of Holy?” By Addison Road. This is no doubt one of the most touching and relevant songs I have heard. It spoke right to my heart.
It begins like this: 'I try to hear from heaven, but I talk the whole time, I think I made you too small...'
These words are so true in my life. It is so hard to hear God when I am talking constantly. I need to learn to rest in Him and be silent. I don't like silence. It feels kind of awkward to me, but it shouldn't. Those times when I am quiet for long enough for God to show me something, are amazing, but they don't happen often enough.
The song continues, "Are you fire, are you fury? Are you sacred, are you beautiful?"
Oh to know God! To see his face, how beautiful would that be?! I realize more and more just how little I know of God. He is so above my understanding and comprehension, but even the smallest glimpse of him can humble me so much. I know that he is big beyond anything I can begin to comprehend. But those times that I see him intervene, that I see him work, I get just a tiny, tiny glimpse of that greatness.
It reminds me of space. We cannot comprehend just how big, and beautiful and never ending space is. But we know its true. We have telescopes that help us see vast distances, but out human brains have a hard time comprehending something that large. So it is with God.
I love how Kate Gosselin puts it in her book, "Multiple Blessings,"
" 'Mommy, can you fill up my cuppy?' I must hear that request a hundred times a day as a little outstretched arm holds up a brightly colored sippy cup. It makes me wonder if that is how God sees me sometimes, like a needy child constantly asking Him to please fill up my cup. "
Beautifully said.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Finals week, graudations, and our lives...
chaotic. That about describes it. There is always a rush at the end of the term to get everything turned in, to study hard for finals and to finish strong... but sometimes motivation takes a vacation. This whole week I have had absolutely no motivation whatsoever. Then today I realized I better get going on my research paper... so I went. And now here I am, not doing my research paper. It's break time. :)
Yes there are headaches, stress filled days and late nights, but that is all part of the experience. I am glad its almost summer though! Breaks are always welcome! Anyhow, finals week is next week, and then I'm done!
I went to my high schools graduation last night. class of 2010. They all looked radiant. That class is a beautiful group of people, and I know they're going to do great things. They have big plans, and great hearts.
Graduations are such a great time. Family comes together to celebrate your accomplishments, and it is a time that won't be forgotten. Of course grad night is amazing as well! The whole thing just seems so beautiful, and yet there are good byes to be said as well. It is the closing of ones elementary, middle school and high school years and the opening of whatever may come next. There is a bittersweet aspect for sure. I guess that is like many things. I've heard it said that life begins after graduation, and I totally disagree with that. What about the first 18 years? Don't those count?? Life has already started, and although it is changing, life definitely does not begin after graduation. Life is always going. There are many chapter ends, and beginnings in life. Graduation is simply one chapter close. But it is also the beginning of another exciting chapter!
Life is a story, and its a page turner... you never know what is going to happen next. There are chapters that make you cry, there are chapter that make you laugh. Some chapters present new challenges and lessons, other bring joy, while still others bring heartache. It is a book that is exciting, and yet we get to have choice in many aspects of how this book turns out. Other aspects, we don't get to choose.
That reminds me of a quote from 'Blue Like Jazz' that I read recently: "There are things you cannot understand and you must learn to live with this. Not only must you learn to live with this, you must learn to enjoy it." The context of this was the author mentioning the complexity of the trinity. But it goes for many aspects of life as well.
Live, love, laugh.
Yes there are headaches, stress filled days and late nights, but that is all part of the experience. I am glad its almost summer though! Breaks are always welcome! Anyhow, finals week is next week, and then I'm done!
I went to my high schools graduation last night. class of 2010. They all looked radiant. That class is a beautiful group of people, and I know they're going to do great things. They have big plans, and great hearts.
Life is a story, and its a page turner... you never know what is going to happen next. There are chapters that make you cry, there are chapter that make you laugh. Some chapters present new challenges and lessons, other bring joy, while still others bring heartache. It is a book that is exciting, and yet we get to have choice in many aspects of how this book turns out. Other aspects, we don't get to choose.
That reminds me of a quote from 'Blue Like Jazz' that I read recently: "There are things you cannot understand and you must learn to live with this. Not only must you learn to live with this, you must learn to enjoy it." The context of this was the author mentioning the complexity of the trinity. But it goes for many aspects of life as well.
Live, love, laugh.
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