There are so many things that I want to be. Society tells us to 'dream big.' And I commend that statement, but what if my 'big dream' is different than what people tell me it should be? What if my big dreams aren't to climb Mt. Everest, or to become a millionaire, or to star in a movie? What if my big dreams are mediocre dreams to someone else? Weren't we all made with different hearts, passions and goals for a reason?
We cannot all be CEO's or 'stars.' But we can all strive for something, and work ceaselessly toward that goal. The thing is, 'dream big,' is such a vague statement. What does that mean? Do we ever define it for our children? It is kind of unspoken, but we all know what it means. Strive for excellence and do something great in your life.
It seems to me, while it is a worthy goal to 'dream big,' we need to change our philosophy of what that means. My big dreams are not the same as many. But they are no less relevant. I dream for so many things, but none of them are to become famous, or to be the best cook or anything of that nature. Mine may seem simple to some. But to me, they are everything.
We were wired to dream, to plan and to achieve and conquer. But we were not wired to be clones of one another. Our dreams are placed inside of each of us for a specific purpose. If everyone were amazing musicians, where would our doctors be? If everyone were teachers, where would our mailmen be? What if our dream is something that many achieve in life? What if it isn't all that 'unique?' Each dream, each profession, each calling is unique and special. We NEED mothers and fathers, we need teachers, lawyers, engineers, scientists, doctors, policemen and business men and women. And we need so much more.
My dream is not better or worse than yours. It may be different, it may be unique, but it is the dream that was placed inside of me. It is the one that I hope to fulfill. In my tiny little corner of the universe, I hope to make a difference. And making a difference doesn't always require riches, or fame, or material possessions. Its just a willing heart, and determined soul.