Why is it, that whenever I need to write, or read, or do anything remotely academic, my cat decides to be affectionate?? And she is NOT an affectionate cat. Oh the irony...
This week is my second back and school, and I am feeling positive about school. I like my classes and schedule. I really can't complain. But I have been noticing a restlessness in me. Recently I have just needed and wanted an adventure. It's like, I've been in the same place, doing the same things for so long, that I just want something new. I have always had a restless spirit. I love adventure, and dislike complacency. I love to travel, and see new places, meet new people, and experience new things. Maybe that is why I am looking forward to being done with this phase, tying up the loose ends, and moving to the next phase.
I notice myself thinking about my upcoming plans and goals, often. I have always been a planner, but sometimes I fear that it is to the expense of the present. Like maybe if I keep thinking about everything that is to come, I am going to miss what is. Wouldn't that be a tragedy? It would be. I need to learn to quiet my heart, and rest in the present, knowing that my future will be here someday.
I struggle with knowing how to be content in the present. I tend to look back, or look forward. Maybe it's human nature, I don't know, but regardless, I know that it is so important to learn the art of contentment. I think its a lifelong process. For some, it comes easy. For others, it is difficult. I think part of the problem is that I am a thinker... I just need to stop thinking. That will solve all of my problems. Awesome, glad I figured that one out.
I am convinced that there is something to be treasured in each day. And I hope to be able to find those treasures.