Today I understand who I am in Him so much more fully. I understand my worth in Him. I think if there are just a few things that He has taught me continually through SBS they would be:
*Identity and realizing that I need to NOT compare myself to others, because
I have giftings that are important and that are incredibly valuable
*That He is the ONLY one that can fill and that I need to go to Him first. I need to stop and
talk to Him when things are awry. I need to consult Him before consulting others.
*I do not need people to fill me. I struggled a lot with this idea especially in DTS,
but God has been hammering this truth into me and I am finally starting to grasp it.
Some days its easy to miss all the blessings that are starting me right in the face. Some days I get into a funk and I forget all the ways that God has blessed me and the truth of the fact that I couldn't have done any of this on my own. Sometimes I convince myself that I could-- but puh-lease. That is ridiculousness. He has done so much, and I love the way His hands work continually, faithfully, fully and always with love. Molding. Shaping. Building. Healing.
I could literally go on for hours about all that He has done, but right now I will just say that its been mind-blowing. I couldn't have imagined it. Because He does unimaginable things. And I love it.