Wednesday, April 29, 2020

On Covid-19 and Sheltering In Place

The news is swirling with constant articles, updates and arguments regarding this worldwide pandemic known as Covid-19 (or coronavirus). We can't go a day without hearing something more about it - positive or negative. No doubt, these are unprecedented and wild times we're living in. These times are also full of uncertainty, fear, confusion and grief for many. Loss of jobs, income, security... it's not easy. I've felt some of these fears along with my fellow neighbor.

Along with this, though, I've sensed a great sigh of relief from so many individuals. Somehow, it took a global pandemic to force us to slow down. I can't speak for others, and I fully understand the hardships that many are suffering through at this time - I don't take that lightly. But honestly, this time has been so, so good for me. I didn't realize the moderate level of stress I was carrying around on a daily basis until that burden was lifted.

There was nothing huge that was causing stress - I live a solid and rewarding life. It was just the daily grind - waking up on time, picking out work clothes, fighting traffic, running from meetings to appointments, racing against the clock, planning a wedding, driving back and forth...and doing it all again the next day, and the day after that... It was getting to me and I didn't realize it until just a few weeks ago.

This time has brought a deep calmness to my heart and soul. My commute is great- it's about 10 steps, from my room to the living room. I don't have to fight with traffic, worry about a jam packed calendar, making it to numerous meetings on time, having unforeseen appointments arise... don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job and my life, but the slower pace is so welcome right now. Working from home has proved to be a blessing in disguise.

I'm pulling weeds in the yard, working on painting projects with Matt, taking evening strolls, calling friends, watching lots of 'guilty pleasure' shows, cleaning the house, reading, praying, worshiping. And my heart, mind and life are uncluttered. From my observations, it actually seems like our world is more connected now than ever. We may not be able to meet in person, but it seems like we're checking up on each other more, calling, texting, video chatting... making sure we're looking out for one another, and that is beautiful.

My prayer for this time is that we come away changed. I pray that we embrace a slow and peaceful rhythm as a new way of life. I pray we value family and friends on a deeper level. I pray we learn that being 'busy' is not a sign of worthiness. I pray we pursue the simple, important things.

I'm a firm believer that God loves surprising us, his people, with showing up in ways and times that are least expected. I've seen it time and time again in my own life. It brings great comfort to know that He is 'God with us' and he is making all things new.

This time is not a time of refreshment or peace for so many. If you are in need of prayer, help or a listening ear, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're in this together. You matter. One day at a time.