Saturday, November 19, 2011

My not-boring life

I love to write, and yet recently, when I've sat down to write a blog post, its like my mind just goes blank. Its not because my life is boring, or I have nothing to say. Quite the contrary. My life is insane, and I love it, yet sometimes I just can't find the words to put to it. So this is my best effort in my extreme writer's block.

The past nine weeks have been incredible, challenging, overwhelming, awesome, tough, transformational, fun, hard and everything in between. I have embarked on this journey that has taken me to places I didn't expect, hard places, and yet healing places. When I came to DTS, I knew what it was about, but I didn't really know just how life changing it would really be for me.

The first five weeks or so were probably the most emotional, as I was learning a great deal about myself and about God and who He really is, and what His character looks like. I cried a lot, and most everyone else cried a lot as well. As time has gone on, the lectures are still just as rich and challenging, but as I've grown in knowledge of who I am, and who He is, the tears have not been as frequent.

The last several weeks have been some of the best for me, personally. I have learned how to hear God's voice more clearly, and He has changed my perspective on so many things. I can honestly say that I think differently now than when I first arrived. He's shown me areas of my life that weren't in full submission to Him, and areas where my attitude needed an adjustment. Its never fun to come to these realizations, but it is important. I'm so grateful for the work that He is doing in me during this time, and I am grateful as well for His patience.

Our days here are busy and often tiring and exhausting, but in the best way possible. There is a lot to process, lots of work to be done, preparations being made as we are getting ready to embark on our journey overseas. In the midst of the craziness, though, I am incredibly blessed. There isn't anywhere I would rather be. There isn't anything I'd rather be doing. There isn't anyone I'd rather share this journey with. I am so blessed to be here right now. In simple terms, one of the biggest things I have learned is that God knows what He is doing, and He is faithful.

Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare to embark on our journey's overseas. We leave in just over two weeks, and there is a lot of planning that goes into these next several weeks. Pray for health and safety in travel, for right hearts and attitudes, and above all, that we would accomplish what it is that God has for us during this time. It is really exciting, but there will also be tough times that come. Nonetheless, I am looking forward to it!

Thank you all for your prayers, support, love and encouragement. It means so much!

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