Monday, March 5, 2012

There is something inside of me that so desires to grab a hold of the steering wheel and to just hold on until my knuckles turn white, because, heaven forbid something unexpected happens. If I have the steering wheel, then I know where I'm going. I have control, and then I won't have anything to worry about. At least, that is what I think in my subconscious being. If a bump comes, I know its coming, if a curve comes, I can prepare myself. But if I give the steering wheel away, I don't always know what is coming, or even I do, I don't control the car.

So today I am learning to let go of the wheel and let "Jesus take the wheeeelll, take it from my hands!" Yep. I am learning to let go of control and focus intently on my Savior, the one who has it all under control. And I am learning to enjoy the ride. It is a beautiful ride, if I just spend a little time looking out the window.

Don't forget to look out the window.

I do not own this video. From

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