Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Go and Sin no More...

I've stayed quiet about current happenings that have the media buzzing. I have opinions, but they don't always need to be stated. And recently as I was reading a headline, it struck me-- Christians are NEVER called to be hateful.

Now, there is a huge difference between engaging in a discussion, or even calling others to live by high standards and hate, but far too often, I think, controversial topics become bashing sessions. They become hateful banter. They are rooted in pride and are not meant to draw others closer to the Lord or to spread the Gospel. They are simply meant to make an angry, ranting point that perhaps, at the end of the day does more harm than good.

How do we hold to our convictions and to the truth of scripture and yet lovingly, gracefully and tactfully have conversations about moral issues? I don't think its the way we've been doing it.

When I look at Jesus' life, I am amazed by the incredible amount of grace and love he showed to those that were caught in sin, or were confused or stuck or simply didn't know what to do with their lives. He did not condone sin, but he so deeply loved the individual and they walked away feeling valued, built up and genuinely cared for, as Jesus called them to 'go and sin no more' (John 8:11). He was calling them to a higher standard than what they had for themselves, but he also looked upon them with all of the love and value that anyone could bestow. He cared a lot more about their souls and their relationship with Him and the Father than He did about condemning their sin and feeling the need to call out everything they did wrong.

 He cared about relationship.

He didn't care about status. Or being 'cool'. Or making sure everyone was towing the line constantly. He cared about the status of individual souls, and that happened only through a caring relationship and through the deep, deep love that only Jesus could show.

So I guess I don't know exactly what my response to every hot button issue should be. But I know for a fact that it should NOT be one of hate. Pride. Condemnation. Because that is not Jesus' way. And I cannot in good conscience call out everyone else's sin without first looking into my own messy heart and asking the Lord to work in the midst of rubble.

My resolve is to show a little more love and little more care, a little more genuine interest and a little less judgment and shock at the brokenness of the world. 

Sanctification hurts, but it is the Lord's working in our lives and is the most 'worth it' thing I can think of-- becoming more like Jesus is always worth it.

Here's to learning to love better.

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