Thursday, November 12, 2015

When Pre-Schoolers Teach You.

When I love someone, I want everyone to know them.

I feel that way about my sister and dad. I feel that way about my R.A. team from last year. I feel that way about my good friends. I just want everyone else to know them, because they're too darn awesome for others not to know them. I feel as though others are missing out if they don't meet these people I love. Like their life will be better after meeting those I care about.

And it is no different with my pre-schoolers. I've only been a pre school teacher for 3.5 months-- that doesn't seem like very long when I write it out, but it feels like its been much longer. I feel comfortable, confident and I've made some really sweet connections with some of the kiddos.

And I think they're awesome. It can be chaotic. It can be challenging. It can be frustrating. But it is always, always rewarding and worth it.

I find myself coming home, sharing funny stories about the kids. Wanting those that I love to meet my sweet pre-schoolers, because, well, they're so worth knowing. And because my life is better with them in it. I laugh all the time because of their imaginative minds and their funny stories. I am challenged by their simple faith, humility, and their ability to apologize and forgive quickly.

I am reminded of the fact that Jesus really loved children, and it makes perfect sense-- their hearts are pure and their faith genuine and uncomplicated. They know how to live beautifully in the simplicity of life.

They find worms on the playground and collect them in little buckets. It is their favorite game to play. They're not afraid of getting their fingers slimy or dirty. They are just thrilled to find worms or 'lerms' as one little girl calls them. And they're all named 'Anna' and 'Elsa.' I mean, really, what else would they be named?

They are proud of themselves when they do the monkey bars all by themselves. Or when they write their names unassisted. They still think burping is funny. They are so affectionate-- they still like hugs and band-aids still make everything better. They are unashamed to express their true emotions. I pray they don't lose that as they grow and the world tries to form them into its own mold. I pray they don't lose their ability to celebrate often. Love fully. Express themselves. Be Assertive. And believe with all that they are that Jesus is present, He is with them and He loves them.

I wish I could introduce these kids that have captured my heart to each of my friends and family. I know that they would agree that their lives were better simply because of the presence of these kids...

I am thankful, so so thankful that the Lord placed me at a pre-school, and has used that to shape me, teach me and grow me. Who knew kids were such great teachers?

Content and Grateful.

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