Friday, August 19, 2016

Grace in the Grocery Store

Today, amidst the 100+ degree temps and my desire to stay inside, sleep and watch hours of Netflix... I decided to get out and do something semi-productive. I went to the grocery store. We needed a few things and I wasn't going to complain about getting out of the house (with no AC, mind you). So, away I went.

I found myself wandering through the aisles, looking mostly at things I didn't need. I stopped to grab some salsa and in the process I knocked a bottle of hot sauce off the shelf- the glass breaking , and hot sauce spilling all over aisle 16. To make it even better, the store clerk saw it all. I stood there as she called for 'clean up in aisle 16' and I was that person.

But just then another shopper strolled by and stopped. She looked at me with a smile and said "Oh, I've done that before, too". I smiled back and replied "Yeah, its easy to do."

Right then. Community. 
A stranger reaching out with kindness and grace.
Stopping to acknowledge me, even though I had just embarrassed myself.
Identifying and relating to me and gently reminding 'me too,' 'me too.'

She could have walked by without saying anything.
She could have judged or laughed.
She could have pretended not to notice.
But she didn't.
Her simple kindness, probably small in her eyes, meant the world to me.

Its not been an easy season of life.
I've been fighting against some seasonal depression.
I've been learning and growing and becoming brave as I sit in my counselor's office each week.
I've been struggling with loneliness and direction.
Its just felt heavy-- like I've been trudging uphill for far too long.
Anticipating the two year anniversary of my mom's passing.

I am convinced that kindness, noticing and validating others, and grace can change the world. What seems like a small act on the part of the giver, can be monumental on the receiving end.

So, as one who was the recipient of grace... I choose to scatter grace as well.
After all, grace is mine, and yours, in abundance.

Of his fullness we have received grace upon grace. (1 John 1:16). 

Be a life changer. Sow grace.

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