Sunday, April 2, 2017

Seek Peace and Pursue it

"and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you," 1 Thessalonians 4:11

I've read this verse hundreds of times, and as a child I remember thinking it was rather unfair... what about those of us that love to dance to loud, bumping music, or who scream on roller coasters or have big emotions? Those things aren't "quiet"-- after all, didn't the Lord make us this way?? I chuckle at my child interpretation now, because, clearly, that is not what this verse is saying... this verse has become monumental for me in the last several months. I may even consider it my 'life verse' at this juncture.

Other translations say 'make it your aim to live a quiet and peaceful life'... I have found that sentiment to be more and more appealing the older I get. I don't want drama, upheaval, tension and chaos--that finds us simply because we live in this broken world, but I certainly don't want to be the producer of more of it. 

The beauty of this verse is the practicality of it--  live as peacemakers. Seek to not meddle in other people's affairs, which almost always causes unnecessary tension and excess clamor, but 'seek peace and pursue it' (Psalm 34:14). 

According to Oxford Dictionary the meaning of the word 'peace' is: freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility. Folks, who doesn't want that? That is what our hearts long for-- freedom from disturbance, a quietness in our hearts and souls, ceasing of wars and violence... most people I know want to live peaceful lives. I love how the Bible is not only complete truth, but is also gives incredibly practical guidelines for living that are for our benefit. Its as though God knows the best, healthiest way for us to live and cares enough to share that with us... (imagine that!!)

This is not only something I think is crucial, God apparently thinks so too. Jesus promises his disciples in the book of John that he is leaving peace with them and that they need not to be afraid. The Bible is sprinkled with verses, such as the aforementioned that speak of the importance of God's peace, not only of possessing it, but of being sowers of it. Don't believe me? Check out these verses-- (1 Thess. 4:11, Psalm 34:14, John 14:27, 2 Thess. 3:16, 2 Cor. 13:11, James 3:18).

I find myself longing for and thriving in the quiet moments, simply sitting in my favorite green chair, thinking about life, praying for things that are weighing on me and allowing God's spirit to minister to my heart. It doesn't look glamorous from the outside, but it is life giving to my soul. I often think of when I will get to sit in my backyard, doing nothing but listening to the sounds of nature around me. 

I value family days, hanging out at home more now than I ever have. We don't have to be going on a wild road trip, we can be playing a card game at the kitchen table, and my heart is full. I love Sunday afternoons, snuggled on the couch, watching a movie with my sister that we've seen a hundred times, but is still our favorite. I'm convinced these are the quiet, peaceful moments that verse is talking about. Its the everyday things, living righteously before the Lord, allowing Him to be God, to deal with people's hearts and ugliness, and simply doing our best to love and live for Him. 

I've stopped chasing happiness, success, wealth... those things are only 'fillers' for what we're actually longing for. I don't think much of those things, but I do think much of seeking out peace, fulfillment in Him and righteousness. These are the constants, the indicators of Christ's presence in our lives and they're far more worth it and far more life giving than temporal things like money and happiness. 

Here is where things get sticky-- there are those who preach peace or who claim to 'hate drama' and yet they marinate in it constantly, always seeking out the new, juicy gossip, controlling other people and generally just creating upheaval wherever they go. Its tough for me to believe these folks when they claim to 'desire peace', because they are the very ones creating strife. If this is you, I implore you to stop. Its only creating hurt for yourself and those around you. If you don't know if this is you, ask yourself what feelings came up when you read this paragraph... feelings of guilt, defensiveness?? Ask those around you for their honest assessment. We are all works in progress, there is no shame in Christ, but He calls us to live in peace, not strife. 

There is no better way to live, than in quiet and peace-- and this comes through knowing Him. After all, how can we have true peace if we don't know the source of that peace? This has become one of the sweetest things in my relationship with Him, the peace that is a constant in my life.

Know Him, Know peace. 

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