Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Boy, this is an incredible time of year. People seem just a little nicer, just a little more patient and just a little kinder. It is nice to be a recipient of that, even if it is only a facade.

I do love Christmas time. There is a sort of wonder in the air. I love the songs, the smell of pine needles and cinnamon, and mostly, I love gifts. But not just the kind of gifts that you wrap up with a nice bow and place under the tree, but moreover, I love the gift of the Savior, born in Bethlehem all those years ago. For that, my life is eternally changed.

This Christmas break has been so busy, and yet so rewarding. I have had the chance to spend time with so many that I don't get to see often enough, and I have been able to relax, and to try to pick out just the right gift that I think will peak someone's fancy. Needless to say, I have loved my break. And I really feel that it is more than just the fact that it is Christmas time. I really think God is doing a work. Now THAT is exciting stuff!

I sit here, going about my daily activities, and God is all the while faithfully working. Sometimes the process seems so painfully slow that I don't notice at all, other times, I do notice, and during those times, the excitement kicks in. I love having the joy of knowing that, as Max Lucado would say, 'Jesus loves me just the way I am, but he refuses to leave me like that, he desires that I become just like Jesus.' 

Something refreshing and important that God has been showing me is that my relationship with Him does not consist solely of reading the Bible, singing praises and praying. These are all important and essential components of our faith, but they are not the only components. Each activity, word, deed, attitude and action is a form of worship, or something that detracts from out relationship with God. If we are continually mindful of Him throughout our day, not just when we sit down to spend time with Him, our day is lived so much more for His glory.

May we be mindful of Him during this Christmas season, and may you grow in your knowledge of Him.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Here and Now

It's so easy to write, and pour out my heart when I am discouraged. But sometimes I miss the opportunity when things are good. So I thought I would remember the good times in writing as well. Today is a good day. Actually, this whole week has been pretty good. I have been able to connect with some friends that I don't talk to a lot, and I have not felt overly stressed, which is always a plus!

And I have been thinking about something that my health teacher talked about in class today. She said that if we focus on this very moment, not on the previous moment, or the next moment, but this moment in time, we have very little stress or anxiety. This is true. Right now is all that is guaranteed. And this is our life. NOW. And our life is not in the past or in the future. What a novel thought. It's not a new one, but an often ignored one. You know the saying, 'right now is a gift, that's why it's called the present!' Well as cheezy as it sounds, it's the truth! That thought is a huge relief.

So today and this week, I chose to remember to live in the here and now, and to breathe. Enjoy the present!