Saturday, April 5, 2014


Sometimes there is that one phrase that just somehow meets you right where you are in an unexpected way.

This week it happened at Children's Ministry. I was sitting down with the kids to start Bible story, as we always do on Wednesday nights and Stephanie introduced the story by asking the kids what they did to prepare for company. She asked them if they clean or tidy up. Many of them raised their hands and offered up what they did before friends came over. Many of them said that they cleaned their rooms or swept or vacuumed.

I was picturing it all and God spoken to me in that moment. He reminded me that sometimes we do the same thing with our spiritual lives. Sometimes before friends come over, we clean up the bitterness, anger and judgment, shove it in the closet and do our best not to let it seep out from under the door until our friends leave. 

Sometimes before we go to church, we put on our nice clothes, do our hair just so, and adjust our attitudes accordingly. I think that sometimes when we dress up, our attitudes 'dress up' as well. I think its usually subconscious, but I also think it is far more detrimental to us as a part of the body of Christ than we realize.

He's been challenging me to live genuine truth. To be honest about both my struggles and my strong points. I think there is healing and community that happens so naturally when we are willing to be honest.