Sunday, March 28, 2010

Everyday blessings

I am so amazed at the everyday blessings present in my life. Sometimes I don't realize they're there. But they are. I revel in them. The safe trip to the beach, the good sleep at night, the fun time with friends, just to name a few. I am so blessed.

Pitock Mansion

What beauty surrounds me. I think I'll reflect on that a while.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


It is Spring Break! Wahooo! Ha ha I feel so much freedom! Of course with that extra time comes a lot more thinking about the deeper things in life. Heck, I think about deep things often, but I guess I have been even more with this extra time on my hands.

Just today I was thinking about a sweet family I know, and thinking about how 'together' they have everything. They just seem to exude 'Jesus-ness' in every way. And honestly, I wished that I was like that. They seem so perfect. (Ironically I was thinking this while sweeping the kitchen floor...) Then God reminded me that He does not ask for perfect children. He asks for obedient, loving children. I do not need to be perfect. It has kind of been a struggle for me, for some time, feeling like I somehow need to be 'better' or 'more holy.' I often compare myself to others, thinking how 'good' they are, and much I would like to be like them.

I think playing the comparison game hurts God's heart. He did not make me to be someone else. He did not make you to be someone else. He made us to be who he wants us to be. And if we were prefect, we would have no need for God. In some ways, I'm grateful that I am not perfect.

My hair gets messed up (often). I spill things. I speed. I get distracted. I say mean things. I become lazy. I forget things. Our house is messy. I am selfish.

These are things that are true in my life, and they're not things that I am proud of, but they are realities. And some are trivial, while others are more important. But God does not get upset because of our flaws. He helps us. We learn, and grow. Hopefully, we become more like him.

It does make me happy to know I'm not perfect, because I serve a God who is, and that makes me appreciate his goodness all the more. Again, if I were perfect, I really wouldn't fit into this flawed place, would I?

We are called to be in the world, but not of it. But that doesn't mean we'll never mess up. We will. Let's just face it, WE ARE FLAWED! It's easier to admit it, then to live in denial.
But the good news is, that God does not leave us to fend for ourselves. He shows his love, and created a path for us to reach him, through his son, Jesus.

Thank you, God, for your unending love!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

I seem to think at about a million thoughts a second. It gets tiring sometimes! I can't imagine what it must be like to be able to literally think nothing at any one moment. I hear it's possible, though I have never experienced it.

Today I laughed a ton with friends of all ages. It feels so great to get away from the busyness of life, and to forget about all of the responsibilities waiting when you get home, and to just have a great time with people that you love and that love you. It doesn't happen often enough. But I am so grateful for the chance to hang out with some incredible people today. I am truly blessed. I have been trying to laugh more, trying to love more and trying to become more laid back. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in time that I forget to live and enjoy the moment. Not everything is about time. Sometimes it's okay not to look at the clock. I'm trying to be alright with more spontaneity and trying to enjoy the little things in life. It is a good feeling to focus on the positives instead of the negatives. It's a choice, it really is. Along with that, I've been remembering that life is a gift, and in words that are much better than my own, this is it:

'I dare you to move
I dare you to move,
I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor
I dare you to move
I dare you to move
Like today never happened,
like today never happened before...'

So true, isn't it?! Live, love laugh. What a great motto.
A few other things that stick out to me (I am a very random thinker, bare with me!) are found in some great books. I love books, I can't get enough.
Trying to focus on living fully, going out of my comfort zone, and being alright with doing new things. It's scary, and sometimes things aren't going to work out the way we hoped. We are not called to live in fear, though. We are called to reach out, and get out of our comfort zones. Its easy to be scared, and I am, often. It's hard, and scary, but we are never alone. What a great realization!

"We fear saying the wrong thing or using the wrong tone or acting the wrong way. So rather than do it incorrectly, we do nothing at all. Aren't we glad Jesus didn't make the same mistake? If your fear of doing the wrong thing prevents you from doing anything, keep in mind the perspective of the lepers of the world. The aren't picky. They aren't finicky. They are yearning for a godly touch. Jesus touched the untouchables of the world. Will you do the same?'
- Just Like Jesus, By Max Lucado

Too many times, fear has ruled, and I have suck back when I should have stepped out in confidence, trusting. I don't want fear to get the better of me. I think God wants me to ponder this for a while.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Life remains busy. It seems as though there is always something to get done. Yet I don't feel overwhelmed. Maybe i am in denial But I like to think that it is God giving me peace. :) What a great feeling it is! I mean really, I know if I really think about it there is nearly always something to be done. Laundry. Shopping. Bank. cleaning. Working. These are just a few of the things we do each day. Sadly oftentimes God gets sort of pushed to the 'back burner.' Because somehow it doesn't seem as essential to spend time with him on a regular basis. But that is faulty logic. It is important. And essential.

Of course... if I were a cat, my life would not be so busy. Ok I know, cheesy transition, but hey, it's not school, so I can do it! My cant is so lazy. She seriously sleeps for like 14.894 hours of the day. It was gorgeous outside, and she was lying on my bed when I left, and three hours later, still lying there! Oh how worry free it would be. I cannot imagine. Ha ha. She has such a good life. Spoiled little thing. She doesn't even know. But hey, it made me think the other day. I love my cat. I love her not because she has ever done any favors for me, or has somehow 'earned' my love, but I love her because she is my cat. Isn't that how it is with God's love toward us? He loves me because I am his, because he made me. It still mystifies me sometimes. I can't do anything to earn his love, I can't give him something he doesn't already have. But he loves me still. I am so grateful to know that. What an astounding and amazing thing! So I will continue to revel in God's goodness. And leave you with this:

“Yet I’ve learned that time alone with God is the most valuable available. Most important, I’ve learned that even Christians can fall into a life of excuses and complacency. The word of God calls us to action. Don’t be content to sit on the sidelines and watch. It’s the equivalent of disobedience. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Get up and in the game today.”
-Crystal Lewis

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Love the mornings when the sun is shining! Sure does something great for the soul! 

Anyhow, onto what this post is supposed to be about. Contentment. It's a little bit of an intimidating word, isn't it?? I think it kind of is. Contentment is not something that come naturally to most people, myself included. It seems like if we just had that something else then we would be content, right? Yeah, sure. We trick ourselves into thinking that. But true contentment is not based off of material possessions or even one's place in life. Its an odd concept really.
I have just recently begun to experience true contentment. The kind that Paul talks about in Philippians. He says:
"...I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength." (4:11-13 NIV)

Amazing stuff, isn't it?! I am convinced that Paul did not just wake up one morning and discover that he was content. It was a process, even for someone with as much zeal for God as Paul had. Many things are a process. They take time. So it is with contentment. It takes hard work sometimes and sometimes it hurts. But ultimately God is the one doing the work in our hearts. We have to give it all to Him though.

Contentment is not feeling happy all of the time, or putting a plastic smile on our faces. But, according to it is: 'the state of being contented; satisfaction; ease of mind.' (Thanks,  for telling me that it is the state of being contented...)I like the word satisfaction. It is being satisfied whether life is going great, or whether things are tough. It is knowing you'll be alright, and you will continue to go on, living life, praising God, even though things aren't always wonderful. It is a deeper trust in God.

Now, I am not here to boast on my contentment, because I am not there yet, and frankly, even if I was, it is God's working, not mine. It is a process, as I said. I am on the road, I am learning, but I have not reached the 'destination' of contentment, if there is one. Sometimes I think the journey is just as important, maybe more so than the destination. God seems to use the journey so often to change us and mold us more into his likeness. Sometimes there isn't a destination that we ever reach. Life is a growing process, a journey. Often times we don't fully reach contentment on this side of heaven. But it is good to know that God is doing a work in us. 

Contentment really is what God wants for us. It is a sort of peace that can't be explained. It is a trust in God. It really should be our striving, as we seek to be more like God. But we have to have a willing heart. We have to want to change. Now, I am not saying that God can't work in a hardened heart, because he does, often. But if we aren't focusing on Him, if we're just kind of halfway living for God, we're not as likely to experience a lot of growth. Relationship takes both sides investing in the other. He will never leave us, but we must desire the things of God. He will grow in us, if we truly want to know Him more. He wants nothing less for his children! 

It makes me feel good to know that God desires me to know Him more, and that He will and does help me to know him! I fail often times, and get scared. But I am glad that I serve a God of second chances. I serve a God of mercy. He is there, waiting to pick me back up when I fall.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I LOVE photography! I find myself taking pictures all the time, and wanting to always capture those special moments on camera. Some people couldn't care less about photography, but I love it. I can't get enough of it! I've thought of being a photographer as a career, but I think I'm meant to do something else. Not sure. Anyhow, thought I would share some of my photos. They're not all fantastic, but I had fun taking them!
Belize, March 2009

Belize, early morning

Random, I know...

The pumpkin patch!


South Dakota (?)

Beach volleyball

These are just a few of the pictures I have taken over the years. I will continue to take pictures, and to document every occasion! I have never regretted it. There is something special about looking back at pictures and all the memories that come with them. :) I know the saying is true, a picture is worth a thousand words. There are so many fond memories, that sometimes fade with time, but looking at a single picture can bring it all back. Photography is a beautiful thing, and I am so grateful to be able to share in the beauty of this world, and to capture it on camera!