Thursday, March 18, 2010


It is Spring Break! Wahooo! Ha ha I feel so much freedom! Of course with that extra time comes a lot more thinking about the deeper things in life. Heck, I think about deep things often, but I guess I have been even more with this extra time on my hands.

Just today I was thinking about a sweet family I know, and thinking about how 'together' they have everything. They just seem to exude 'Jesus-ness' in every way. And honestly, I wished that I was like that. They seem so perfect. (Ironically I was thinking this while sweeping the kitchen floor...) Then God reminded me that He does not ask for perfect children. He asks for obedient, loving children. I do not need to be perfect. It has kind of been a struggle for me, for some time, feeling like I somehow need to be 'better' or 'more holy.' I often compare myself to others, thinking how 'good' they are, and much I would like to be like them.

I think playing the comparison game hurts God's heart. He did not make me to be someone else. He did not make you to be someone else. He made us to be who he wants us to be. And if we were prefect, we would have no need for God. In some ways, I'm grateful that I am not perfect.

My hair gets messed up (often). I spill things. I speed. I get distracted. I say mean things. I become lazy. I forget things. Our house is messy. I am selfish.

These are things that are true in my life, and they're not things that I am proud of, but they are realities. And some are trivial, while others are more important. But God does not get upset because of our flaws. He helps us. We learn, and grow. Hopefully, we become more like him.

It does make me happy to know I'm not perfect, because I serve a God who is, and that makes me appreciate his goodness all the more. Again, if I were perfect, I really wouldn't fit into this flawed place, would I?

We are called to be in the world, but not of it. But that doesn't mean we'll never mess up. We will. Let's just face it, WE ARE FLAWED! It's easier to admit it, then to live in denial.
But the good news is, that God does not leave us to fend for ourselves. He shows his love, and created a path for us to reach him, through his son, Jesus.

Thank you, God, for your unending love!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Very true Hannah ~ you hit the nail on the head. Keep remembering this. Your aim is to please only Him. I too have struggled w/ pleasing others or looking "together" on the outside. None of that really matters. It's Jesus on the inside that is the true focus.