Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Tonight was open mic night here at University.
And I went, and it was amazing.
There is so much talent.

And it got me thinking-- there are so many things that I've always wanted to do, that I've kind of always just said 'someday...'

I want to become fluent in Spanish.

I want to learn to cook really well.

I want to learn to play guitar or piano.

I want to sing well.

I want to become better at photography.

And yes, I am a college student. I am busy. I am working. I am taking 17 credits. But, I will always be busy. I will always have work. Family. Kids. Friends. Life doesn't get less busy as it goes on, I am convinced.

So now is a good time to start doing these things that I've always wanted to do. Today is when I am living. God has given me and each of us this time to live. We don't know what tomorrow holds, and I am convinced that when we look back on our lives, we will regret the things that we didn't do-- all of those things that we wanted to do but never got around to.

God loves when we explore and when we pursue passions. I know that He loves it when we step out and are willing to put in the hard work to do something that is challenging, but worthwhile.

So... that being said-- I am going home this weekend, and I will cook at least one dinner for my family while I'm home... (pray the house doesn't burn down...)

Seize the day!