Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Ok its cheesy, I suppose, but I got this idea from a fellow blogger, and I like it. So there. Was feeling a bit down this morning, and then I just stopped and made a list of things that I am thankful for. It really does something for the spirit when we actually acknowledge and write out the things which we're grateful for. Try it sometime!

Without further ado, here is mine:

childrens laughter. sunshine. new clothes. music. italian sodas. soft pillows. neighbors getting 'flocked' with flamingoes. space bags. faithful friends. patient God. colorful flowers. facebook. community. best job ever. Montana. snow. butterflies. watching movies. jogs. books. passion. being called to something greater.  creativity. the color red. road trips. horses. the country. dirt. fanta. ability to travel. singing. my bed. cute socks. weddings. LOVE. international friends. ocean. adventures. prayer. babies. nail polish. purpose. lady bugs. ability to write. tractors. sunsets. stars. warm beanies. food. sleep. Bible. guys. emotions. philippians 1:6. beach. tennis. olympics. sand castles. heroes. airports.  snail mail. phones. home. black picture frames. beautiful dresses. photography. Bella (my cat). family. apple juice.  perspective. small group.  LAUGHTER. grass. picnics. parks. water wars. Africa. pizza. Christmas. packages. doll houses.  purses. four wheeling. taking showers. rainbows. body of Christ. cherry blossoms. couches. sharpies. being able to drive. flip flops. beautiful hair. children of the world. PEOPLE. psychology. massages. victorian houses. paint. art. restoration. baby fat. handmade gifts. computers. light. forgiveness. pools. swings. slushies. church. missions. blogging. boats. breathtaking landscapes. windows. movie nights. decorations. elephants. LIFE.