Wednesday, July 28, 2010

my job...

My blog looks a tad bit boring in my opinion. I don't like boring things. But alas, I must settle because it is not a big enough deal to fret myself over. 

This week has been incredibly busy so far, filled with family, friends, camping and lots of sunshine! It has truly been a great blessing! I have so many things I want to share... what a fantastic week its been! Its so funny too, because I feel like nearly every second of everyday this week has been filled. And I feel exhausted, but in a good way... 

Every time I look at my life I realize more and more just how blessed I am. I could write a book about it, but it would probably bore everyone. I just know that these blessings don't come by chance, they are indeed a gift.

In the busyness of life I stopped today to think of what is my job, my role on a day to day basis, and what are my goals? Well... my job is to be a loving example of our incredible Father. 

To speak kindness when I want to speak harsh words,
To see beauty where it might be hard to,
To love just a little more,
To be patient when its hardest,
and to forgive others when they hurt me, because I have been forgiven.

Those are hard things to live by, and not something that can be perfected on this side of heaven, but it seems like if we only remembered how important other people are, and how fleeting this life is, then we might live with more purpose. That is my prayer, that each of us live with a great purpose each day. Because we were bought and paid for at such a high price, how can we live any other way??

On that note, I'll leave you with a few shots from my great week so far!
Live, love, laugh.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

My blog...

is in sad shape. It just takes me a long time to figure out how to make these things look good! And I am so tired right now... I will fix it soon, I just don't have the time or brain energy right now. But please excuse the look.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Can't get enough...

I love to read. I do it everyday, as often as I can. Mostly I read 'devotionals' of sorts, but I love many kinds of literature. I am kind of a nerd and also enjoy biographies. I love literature that gets me thinking and challenges me in some way. I like things that are inspirational and funny, deep and witty. 

I have become a little obsessed with books written by Donald Miller lately. I can't put them down. He writes with a passion and honesty that is not often seen among Christian authors. But he doesn't beat around the bush, or use the cliche language that is so prevalent in Christian literature today. I like that he is different. The way that he says things just resonates with me. I get it, and a little light bulb goes on, the wheels start to turn, and by the end of the chapter I am in awe at the new way of thinking about whatever it is he may be saying.

Honestly, I have read A LOT of devotionals, daily reflections etc. about the Christian life, but none have stuck out to me quite so much as Donald Miller books. Maybe it is because I feel like I can relate to him. Its hard to explain. But I love the truths presented in his books. 

 'Searching for God Knows what' is the current one that I am reading. It is about how many people view God and how that view is often skewed. The previous one that I read was 'Blue Like Jazz,' also an excellent book. It was basically his thoughts on Christian Spirituality. Anyhow, I have gone on long enough. You get the picture. Check out one of these books, they're incredible!

** I am by no means saying that we should stop reading the Bible and start reading Don Miller books. The Bible is the absolute inspired, irreplaceable word of God. I truly believe that. But I also believe that God speaks through people, and sometimes the way that they say things just makes sense, and we see things through it in a new way. That is what I am trying to convey. But I am not saying that it is a replacement for God's Holy word.

I will leave you with a quote from 'Blue Like Jazz': 

"I am learning to believe better things. I am learning to believe that other people exist, that fashion is not truth; rather, Jesus is the most important figure in history, and the gospel is the most powerful force in the universe. I am learning not to be passionate about empty things, but to cultivate passion for Justice, grace, truth and communicate the idea that Jesus likes  people and even loves them."

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

I'm just me

There comes a point in everyone's life where they have to become happy with who they are. They have to realize that they were not meant to be anybody else. I am at that point. There are so many great people in my life, so many fun, spontaneous, happy, spiritual, easy going, caring people that I know. And I so long to be like them. And yet I look at me, at who I am, my personality, and I am not them. I have some of the same characteristics, but I am far from being like them.

It's such a battle, really. Knowing that there are people that you want to be like, but also knowing that you were meant to be you. If everyone were alike, this world would be so boring. Variety really is the spice of life. And that is not an excuse to be unkind, or uncaring, but we each have our own character quirks. And that is a good thing.

I'm sure most people can think back and remember their childhood enthusiasm of who or what they were going to be when they 'grew up.' I wonder how many people achieved those innocent, passionate dreams. I have always loved singing and writing. I do both often, however I am far from spectacular at either one. It is so easy to look at others I know who are absolutely incredible singers, or phenomenal writers, and to wish I had a little bit of that talent. And if I spend too much time thinking about it, I become very discontent.

But there is something beautiful in being who you are. I was thinking the other day that if everybody's life stories looked the same, if everybody had the same personality, or dreams or priorities, that would be an incredibly boring world. The older I get the more I become alright with who I am, and the more I realize that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. As we all are. I am glad to know that. It's easy to get caught up in the wishing that we were someone else.

But simplicity is a beautiful thing.
Its like a childlike faith.