Sunday, March 8, 2015

More than I can Handle

"God won't give you more than you can handle."

I hear well meaning Christians say this often. Many times it is thrown because of discomfort or in an effort to ease the pain of a friend or family member. The intention is good, but the idea is false. It is not found anywhere in scripture (although a verse in 1 Corinthians talking about temptation is often quoted in order to make this point).

I guess having lost my mother at far too young an age and long before I was 'ready' for it makes me reject this notion. It was more than I could handle.
I was a mess and grief shook me to the core.

Almost six months later, I am in a healthy place. I am not so fearful. Not so scared. Not so drained and exhausted. Not searching for words constantly.

And I guess my point is this-- while I understand and appreciate the sentiment behind this idea, for the one who has suffered deep loss and trauma, this just sounds like a pat answer. And it isn't true.

I could not handle losing my mom. I wasn't prepared. But the story doesn't end there. I didn't have to be able to 'handle' it. I didn't have to be strong enough. I couldn't be, no matter how hard I tried. I simply couldn't be.

But, long before that day I began a relationship with the One who could handle it. Long before that day I put my trust in the One who holds and handles the world and was also big enough to hold my problems. And that brought more peace than anything else. 

This notion of needing to be strong enough only leads to striving, working harder and becoming discouraged and disillusioned when we fail.

So I encourage you to seek out the One who can hold and handle your problems. There is nothing He can't handle. That is very good news.

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