Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Be Gentle, Dear Heart

So I started out this year aware that it was going to be a year of both letting go of my own expectations and stepping out in courage.

 And let me just tell ya, when God gives you words like that, He comes through. What I didn't realize was that perhaps it was also going to be a year where I learn how to let go of expectations that I place upon myself and learn to be gentle with myself.

I am so hard on myself. I have learned to be more gracious, and yet I find myself wondering if I 'make the cut' often. Its stupid. Who actually 'makes the cut'? Not any living, breathing human that I know (besides Jesus, of course).  

We all fall short every single day.

Why is that such a hard truth to embrace? I think somewhere deep down we still feel if we 'try a little harder' we can reach that level of charm, wit, humor, kindness, understanding and ultimately, perfection, that we're striving for. Where did that idea come from? I would imagine it came from the fall, because since the dawn of time humans have been striving to be 'good enough' to make it on their own.

Let me tell you friends, if 'making the cut' or being 'good enough' or better than you were yesterday or *gasp* perfect, is your goal, you will be disappointed every time. Our efforts are not enough. We're flawed and broken and weak. We're seeking truth and we're just plain messy.

And God is not shocked by that. He's really not. He sees us in the mess and He brushes off our skinned knees, picks us up and whispers "I love you still. Always. Forever."

I've been walking around in a lot of comparison lately. And its unhealthy. And its detrimental, and it makes Him-- the One who I am ultimately trying to serve, sad. So I guess I am slowly learning how to live with messy. I am learning how to live accepting that I am broken. Flawed. Messy. Ungraceful. Irritable, and often not like Jesus.

And my challenge is this: do likewise. Ask God to give you His perspective-- it might be a lot different than the one you've been walking around in. And its so refreshing. It is peace. Hope. Joy.

My mentor told me last week that we often understand salvation and the idea that we're saved by grace, but we add stipulations: '...but I have to pray for six people a day to please God.' '...but I have to never be angry to please God.' She reminded me that God is pleased with us because of our faith and belief in Him. Period.

John 6 records Jesus speaking with the crowd at Capernaum, and in verses 28-29  Jesus answers their question-- "Then they said to Him, 'What must we do, to be doing the work of God?' Jesus answered them, 'This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent.'  

WHAATT?! I know, pretty cool.

So my friends, please, be gentle with yourselves. Remember who you are in Christ and walk in confidence, knowing that your faith pleases Him.

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