Thursday, January 9, 2014

Awkward Isn't Bad

I don't like awkward.

But nonetheless, sometimes often my life is awkward.

When I went to Malaysia a few years ago with my YWAM team, we started reminding each other to 'embrace the awkward.' Going to a different country, not knowing the expectations and ways of doing things and social norms created a lot of awkward situations.

Starting a new job is often awkward. Expectations and how things are done don't often 'click' right away.

 Sometimes when I am doing something new I feel like a child again-- having to ask a million questions just to know how things are done. I don't like the feeling-- I like knowing how to do something and how to do it well.

Perhaps this comes from being a chronic 'people-pleaser.' Perhaps it comes from just liking comfort a whole lot. Maybe it is a combination of the two.

However, being 22 and having traveled and changed locations, jobs, schools, always meeting new people and being forced to do things I've never done, that don't come naturally to me has inevitably created a lot of awkward situations. Not to mention that awkward somehow always seems to find me... Sometimes when it comes, it comes hard.

And I am convinced that that is alright. 

Awkward isn't bad. Its just uncomfortable. But I think its one of those things that causes us to grow, whether we realize it or not. We learn that awkward doesn't kill us, and sometimes, it even makes for a good story later.

So, in line with what God has been teaching me, and in line with the title of my blog, I am learning to let go of my expectations that life should not ever be awkward. And honestly, I am learning to move on when situations are awkward. They come all the time, and God is teaching me to let them roll off my back and continue with life.

They're not worth dwelling on.

They're not worth stealing my joy.

So, I guess the point of this post is to remind myself that awkward isn't bad, its just uncomfortable. And to encourage anyone who perhaps despises awkward situations as well, to breathe, relax and remember that its part of life.

We are molded through them.

We learn how to interact with others.

And sometimes they make the best stories later.  

Breathe in. Breathe out.

1 comment:

Chelsey Verwey said...

This is amazing! Thanks, Hannah!!